Optimistic Adaptive Accelaration For Optimization on CIFAR-10 dataset🐶🐈🚘✈️ for image classification - Computer Vision

C0d3Br3ak3r · January 10, 2021

Implementing Optimistic Adaptive Acceleration For Optimization also known as Optimistic-AMSGrad can be a challenge when working with large datasets such as CIFAR-100. To reduce the training time which would take a pretty long time and need additional computing resources. We are using CIFAR-10 datasets which as 10 different categories of images containing a fair amount of 600 images per category. As this is an extension for AMSGrad we have to compare the AMSGrad results with OPTIMISTIC-AMSGrad. Optimization algorithms are vastly used in various models such as Resnet18, Googlenet, Densenet, etc. In our implementation, we have used the Resnet18 model with Optimistic-AMSGrad and AMSGrad optimization algorithms which demonstrate that Optimistic-AMSGrad improves AMSGrad.


Predicting gradients beforehand will greatly reduce the number of epochs to be trained. Combining Optimistic Online Learning with adaptivity and the momentum to create the OPTIMISTIC-AMSGrad is a good idea. The implementation of the algorithm shows that OPTIMISTIC-AMSGRAD improves AMSGRAD in terms of various measures: training loss, testing loss, and classification accuracy on training/testing data over epochs. The basis of this algorithm is optimistic online learning. The basic idea behind online learning is to have a good guess over the loss function before choosing action and then the learner should exploit the guess to choose an action.

  1. Relation Of ADAM with AMSGrad

ADAM is a popular learning algorithm for training various neural networks. Adaptive moment estimation, or Adam, is simply a combination of momentum and RMSprop. It acts upon the gradient component by using m, the exponential moving average of gradients (like in momentum), and the learning rate component by dividing the learning rate α by square root of v, the exponential moving average of squared gradients (like in RMSprop).




are the bias corrections, and


with and v initialised to 0.

Another variant of Adam is the AMSGrad, This variant revisits the adaptive learning rate component in Adam and changes it to ensure that the current is always larger than the v from the previous time step.






with and v initialised to 0.

Default values:

  • α = 0.001

  • β₁ = 0.9

  • β₂ = 0.999

  • ε = 10⁻⁷

OPTIMISTIC-AMSGrad in each iteration the learner computes a gradient vector it maintains moving average of theta which is followed by the max operation. The first property helps for acceleration when the gradient has a sparse structure. The second one is from the well-recognized idea of momentum which can also help for acceleration. The last one, perhaps less known outside the ONLINE LEARNING community, can actually lead to acceleration when the prediction of the next gradient is good. This property will be elaborated in the following subsection in which we provide the theoretical analysis of OPTIMISTIC-AMSGRAD.


CIFAR-10: The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 color images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. The dataset is divided into five training batches and one test batch, each with 10000 images. The test batch contains exactly 1000 randomly-selected images from each class. The training batches contain the remaining images in random order, but some training batches may contain more images from one class than another. Between them, the training batches contain exactly 5000 images from each class.

classes = (‘plane’, ‘car’, ‘bird’, ‘cat’, ‘deer’, ‘dog’, ‘frog’, ‘horse’, ‘ship’, ‘truck’)  

ResNet18: Deep residual learning framework for the image classification task. Which supports several architectural configurations, allowing to achieve a suitable ratio between the speed of work and quality.

Default Values:

  • Epochs – 25

  • Beta1 – 0.9

  • Beta2 – 0.999

  • Learning rate – 0.001

  • Span – 5

  • Weight_decay – 0

Training Platform:

Google Colab with GPU acceleration and pytorch as the underlying framework.


  • optimistic_amsgrad_cifar10.py – This is the primary file that contains the resnet18 model, OPTIMISTIC-AMSGrad optimizer, Loads CIFAR-10 dataset.

  • amsgrad_cifar10.py – This is our base implementation of AMSGrad to compare the results with our desired algorithm.

  • opt_admgrads_cifar10.mat – Contains the accuracy, loss of epochs for test and train datasets. It implements Optimistic-AMSGrad algorithm.

  • amsgrad_cifar10.mat - Contains the accuracy, loss of epochs for test and train datasets. It implements AMSGrad algorithm.

  • plotdata.py – Plots the data of two algorithms using matplotlib. (Reshapes the data and overlaps the graphs)


To understand the performance improvement we are choosing the base algorithm as AMSGrad and overlapping the two graphs which are trained under the similar environment with approximately similar default values.


As it is an iteration of ADAM we cannot expect a large performance boost in accuracy and training time but significant improvement is observed with CIFAR-10 dataset. To be specific during the first few epochs, the algorithm has a better gradient prediction than that of AMSGrad. We have only trained 25 epochs because each epoch is talking approximately 40 mins to train in google colab. I doubt, even if we increase the number of epochs to 100 the difference will be the same. It is always ideal to use the best optimization algorithm available out there even if the performance difference is little.


  1. On the Convergence Proof of AMSGrad and a New Version - Tran Thi Phuong, Le Trieu Phong.

  2. Optimistic Adaptive Acceleration for Optimization - Jun-Kun WangXiaoyun LiPing Li

  3. Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization - Diederik P. KingmaJimmy Ba

  4. Pytorch-docs: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/index.html

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