Solving💪🏻 Mountain Car🚙 Continuous problem using Proximal Policy Optimization - Reinforcement Learning

C0d3Br3ak3r · January 13, 2021

Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is a popular state-of-the-art Policy Gradient Method. It is supposed to learn relatively quickly and stable while being much simpler to tune, compared to other state-of-the-art approaches like TRPO, DDPG or A3C. This makes PPO often the first choice when it comes to solving a problem for the first time. PPO strongly builds on Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO).

It applies the key concepts of TRPO like Importance Sampling, that provides better data efficiency as well as an extended version of TRPO’s KL penalty, that controls the update size in the optimization step. Moreover, PPO presents an alternative, simpler method called Clipped Surrogate Objective for controlling the optimization step size.

Let’s solve the MountainCar Continuous problem using PPO. MountainCar Continuous involves a car trapped in the valley of a mountain. It has to apply throttle to accelerate against gravity and try to drive out of the valley up steep mountain walls to reach a desired flag point on the top of the mountain. This problem is very challenging, as the agent cannot just apply full throttle from the base of the mountain and try to reach the flag point, as the mountain walls are steep and gravity will not allow the car to achieve sufficient enough momentum. The optimal solution is for the car to initially go backward and then step on the throttle to pick up enough momentum to overcome gravity and successfully drive out of the valley. We will see that the RL agent actually learns this trick.

PPO Algorithm:

Setting the neural network initializers:

setting the neural network parameters (we will use two hidden layers) and the initializers for the weights and biases. Use the Xavier initializer for the weights and a small positive value for the initial values of the biases.

Define the PPO class:

The PPO() class is now defined. First, the __init__() constructor is defined using the arguments passed to the class. Here, sess is the TensorFlow session.

  • S_DIM and A_DIM are the state and action dimensions, respectively. 

  • A_LR and C_LR are the learning rates for the actor and the critic, respectively.

  • A_UPDATE_STEPS and C_UPDATE_STEPS are the number of update steps used for the actor and the critic.

  • CLIP_METHOD stores the epsilon value.

Define TensorFlow placeholders: We will next need to define the TensorFlow placeholders: tfs for the state, tfdc_r for the discounted rewards, tfa for the actions, and tfadv for the advantage function.

Define the critic: The critic neural network is defined next. We use the state (st) placeholder, self.tfs, as input to the neural network. Two hidden layers are used with the nhidden1 and nhidden2 number of neurons and the relu activation function (both nhidden1 and nhidden2 were set to 64 previously). The output layer has one neuron that will output the state value function V(st), and so no activation function is used for the output. We then compute the advantage function as the difference between the discounted cumulative rewards, which is stored in the self.tfdc_r placeholder and the self.v output that we just computed. The critic loss is computed as an L2 norm and the critic is trained using the Adam optimizer with the objective to minimize this L2 loss

Call the _build_anet function: We define the actor using a _build_anet() function that will soon be specified. Specifically, the policy distribution and the list of model parameters are output from this function. We call this function once for the current policy and again for the older policy. The mean and standard deviation can be obtained from self.pi by calling the mean() and stddev() functions, respectively

Sample actions: From the policy distribution, self.pi, we can also sample actions using the sample() function that is part of TensorFlow distributions

Update older policy parameters: The older policy network parameters can be updated using the new policy values simply by assigning the values from the latter to the former, using TensorFlow’s assign() function. Note that the new policy is optimized – the older policy is simply a copy of the current policy, albeit from one update cycle earlier

Compute policy distribution ratio: The policy distribution ratio is computed at the self.tfa action, and is stored in self.ratio. Note that, exponentially, the difference of logarithms of the distributions is the same as the ratio of the distributions. This ratio is then clipped to bound it between 1-ε and 1+ε, as explained earlier in the theory

Compute losses: The total loss for the policy, as mentioned previously, involves three losses that are combined when the policy and value neural networks share weights. However, since we consider the other setting mentioned in the theory earlier in this chapter, where we have separate neural networks for the policy and the value, we will have two losses for the policy optimization. The first is the minimum of the product of the unclipped ratio and the advantage function and its clipped analogue—this is stored in self.aloss. The second loss is the Shannon entropy, which is the product of the policy distribution and its logarithm, summed over, and a minus sign included. This term is scaled with the hyper parameter, c1 = 0.01, and subtracted from the loss. For the time being, the entropy loss term is set to zero, as it also is in the PPO paper. We can consider including this entropy loss later to see if it makes any difference in the learning of the policy. We use the Adam optimizer. Note that we need to maximize the original policy loss mentioned in the theory earlier in this chapter, but the Adam optimizer has the minimize() function, so we have included a minus sign in self.aloss (see the first line of the following code), as maximizing a loss is the same as minimizing the negative of it

Define the update function: The update() function is defined next, which takes the s state, the a action, and the r reward as arguments. It involves running a TensorFlow session on updating the old policy network parameters by calling the TensorFlow self.update_oldpi_op operation. Then, the advantage is computed, which, along with the state and action, is used to update the A_UPDATE_STEPS actor number of iterations. Then, the critic is updated by the C_UPDATE_STEPS number of iterations by running a TensorFlow session on the critic train operation

Define the _build_anet function: We will next define the _build_anet() function that was used earlier. It will compute the policy distribution, which is treated as a Gaussian (that is, normal). It takes the self.tfs state placeholder as input, has two hidden layers with the nhidden1 and nhidden2 neurons, and uses the relu activation function. This is then sent to two output layers with the A_DIM  action dimension number of outputs, with one representing the mean, mu, and the other the standard deviation, sigma. Note that the mean of the actions are bounded, and so the tanh activation function is used, including a small clipping to avoid edge values; for sigma, the softplus activation function is used, shifted by 0.1 to avoid zero sigma values. Once we have the mean and standard deviations for the actions, TensorFlow distributions’ Normal is used to treat the policy as a Gaussian distribution. We can also call tf.get_collection() to obtain the model parameters, and the Normal distribution and the model parameters are returned from the function

Define the choose_action function: We also define a choose_action() function to sample from the policy to obtain actions

Define the get_v function: Finally, we also define a get_v() function to return the state value by running a TensorFlow session on self.v

Setting up the environment:

Define function: We then define a function for reward shaping that will give out some extra bonus rewards and penalties for good and bad performance, respectively. We do this for encouraging the car to go higher towards the side of the flag which is on the mountain top, without which the learning will be slow

We next choose MountainCarContinuous as the environment. The total number of episodes we will train the agent for is EP_MAX, and we set this to 1000. The GAMMA discount factor is set to 0.9 and the learning rates to 2e-4. We use a batch size of 32 and perform 10 update steps per cycle. The state and action dimensions are obtained and stored in S_DIM and A_DIM, respectively. For the PPO clip parameter, epsilon, we use a value of 0.1. train_test is set to 0 for training the agent and 1 for testing

We create a TensorFlow session and call it sess. An instance of the PPO class is created, called ppo. We also create a TensorFlow saver. Then, if we are training from scratch, we initialize all the model parameters by calling tf.global_variables_initializer(), or, if we are continuing the training from a saved agent or testing, then we restore from the ckpt/model path

The main for loop over episodes is then defined. Inside it, we reset the environment and also set buffers to empty lists. The terminal Boolean, done, and the number of time steps, t, are also initialized

Inside the outer loop, we have the inner while loop over time steps. This problem involves short time steps during which the car may not significantly move, and so we use sticky actions where actions are sampled from the policy only once every 8 time steps. The choose_action() function in the PPO class will sample the actions for a given state. A small Gaussian noise is added to the actions to explore, and are clipped in the -1.0 to 1.0 range, as required for the MountainCarContinuous environment. The action is then fed into the environment’s step() function, which will output the next s_ state, r reward, and the terminal done Boolean. The reward_shaping() function is called to shape rewards. To track how far the agent is pushing its limits, we also compute its maximum position and speed in max_pos and max_speed, respectively

If we are in training mode, the state, action, and reward are appended to the buffer. The new state is set to the current state and we proceed to the next time step if the episode has not already terminated. The ep_r episode total rewards and the t time step count are also updated

If we are in the training mode, if the number of samples is equal to a batch, or if the episode has terminated, we will train the neural networks. For this, the state value for the new state is first obtained using ppo.get_v. Then, we compute the discounted rewards. The buffer lists are also converted to NumPy arrays, and the buffer lists are reset to empty lists. These bs, ba, and br NumPy arrays are then used to update the ppo object’s actor and critic networks

If we are in testing mode, Python is paused briefly for better visualization. If the episode has terminated, the while loop is exited with a break statement. Then, we print the maximum position and speed values on the screen, as well as write them, along with the episode rewards, to a file called performance.txt. Once every 10 episodes, the model is also saved by calling

Evaluating the performance:

Full throttle

Note that we had to navigate backward first and then step on the throttle in order to have sufficient momentum to escape gravity and successfully drive out of the mountain valley. What if we had just stepped on the throttle right from the first step – would the car still be able to escape?

We will now set the action to 1.0, that is, full throttle: As is evident from the video generated during the training, the car is unable to escape the inexorable pull of gravity, and remains stuck at the base of the mountain valley.

Random throttle

What if we try random throttle values? We set the values with random actions in the -1.0 to 1.0 range

Here too, the car fails to escape gravity and remains stuck at the base. So, the RL agent is required to figure out that the optimum policy here is to first go backward, and then step on the throttle to escape gravity and reach the flag on the mountain top

nearing flag: \[0.40197912 0.03460513\] \[-0.01053336\]

nearing flag: \[0.43560933 0.03363021\] \[-0.05525178\]

nearing flag: \[0.46858119 0.03297186\] \[-0.00404176\]

reached flag on mountain! \[0.46858119 0.03297186\] \[-0.00404176\]

values at done: \[0.46858119 0.03297186\] \[-0.00404176\]

episode: 0 | episode reward: 85.0265 | time steps: 401

max\_pos: 0.46858118582758373 | max\_speed: 0.06316450856593404


nearing flag: \[0.41649966 0.03903642\] \[-0.35404512\]

nearing flag: \[0.45439475 0.03789509\] \[-0.2345565\]

reached flag on mountain! \[0.45439475 0.03789509\] \[-0.2345565\]

values at done: \[0.45439475 0.03789509\] \[-0.2345565\]

episode: 1 | episode reward: 74.5208 | time steps: 760

max\_pos: 0.4543947454824115 | max\_speed: 0.06026767201058934


nearing flag: \[0.40590966 0.03197592\] \[0.56079626\]

nearing flag: \[0.43793569 0.03202603\] \[0.6097038\]

nearing flag: \[0.46910794 0.03117225\] \[-0.14556652\]

reached flag on mountain! \[0.46910794 0.03117225\] \[-0.14556652\]

values at done: \[0.46910794 0.03117225\] \[-0.14556652\]

episode: 2 | episode reward: 72.0098 | time steps: 649

max\_pos: 0.46910794085174023 | max\_speed: 0.06396141357900643


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